Rob Mercuri’s Dangerous Agenda Will Hurt Pennsylvanians

Rob Mercuri is a career politician with a dangerous record.

He voted for a near total abortion ban that would harm women and threaten doctors. He even called the overturning of abortion rights “a major step forward.”

Mercuri’s efforts don’t stop at abortion rights.

He voted for a state-Constitutional Amendment that would threaten access to IVF for families that want help starting a family.

Mercuri will even put our seniors at risk.

He called Medicaid expansion a waste of taxpayer dollars. And he is supported by extremists who want to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits while giving billions in tax breaks to corporations.

He opposed tax relief for homeowners while supporting lower corporate tax rates.

In the state legislature, he repeatedly advocated for lowering the tax rate for price-gouging corporations.

Mercuri even voted against extending safety protections to public workers and refused to support raising the minimum wage in Pennsylvania.

Mercuri does not look out for Pennsylvania working families.

Rob Mercuri is dangerous.
Don’t send him to Congress.